Converge and the importance of understanding Little’s Law
The American Society for Quality took the unusual step of making Full House: Understanding and Improving Capacity in Healthcare by Converge’s Robert Gerst a global open source article in response to overwhelming demand. Interest has been so strong,...
Converge interview on Alberta Health Services
AHS announced a major reorganization. It’s a joke.
Converge critical of Alberta pipeline review
Converge Consulting Group Inc.’s Robert Gerst is interviewed by CTV’s Alberta PrimeTime.
Canada’s troubled National Household Survey: We get to do it all again in 2016
Here is a recent post from Yahoo News featuring comments from Converge Consulting Group’s Robert Gerst on the latest problems with the National Household Survey. Saying the NHS will be delayed due to quality control issues is like claiming a pig...
Converge Consulting Group vs. Statistics Canada
Converge Consulting Group Inc. called the National Household Survey data worthless. You can read our about it here. The new Head Statistician of Statistics Canada disagrees. He said our comments were irresponsible. What is really irresponsible is bureaucrats...
Canadian Health Care Wait Times “Manufactured” Says Latest Research
CALGARY, May 22, 2013 – Wait times in the Canadian healthcare system have been manufactured by out-of-date and technically corrupt approaches to capacity management and planning. That’s the conclusion of “Full House“, the featured...
Employee Engagement Nonsense–Read the Canada One Interview with Robert Gerst
Robert Gerst of Converge Consulting Group was interviewed by Julie King of Canada One. Read; Exploring the Misuse of Statistics in Business: Is it Time to Do Away with Employee Engagement Surveys?.
Converge Presenting at the IAIA Global Conference in Calgary
The International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) holds its 33rd Annual International Conference in Calgary, Alberta, May 13-16 at the BMO Centre. Impact Assessment (IA) identifies and assesses the problems and issues at stake with proposed development...