
How to avoid accountability while demanding it of others

Real leadership doesn’t hide behind the auditors

August 16, 2012
CALGARY, AB, Aug 16, 2012/ Troy Media/ – Issues and controversy are piling up like rail cars in an organizational train wreck. In the past two months we’ve had poor food quality in seniors facilities, the bungled closing of an extended care facility in Carmangay and now, news Alberta Health Services (AHS) hired someone with a history of controversial expenditure claims as its Chief Financial Officer (CFO), the position responsible for financial control.

Allaudin Merali was CFO at AHS for three months. He resigned just as news of his $346,000 of expense tab as CFO of the former Capital Health Authority was about to be made public. Expenses included extravagant meals, wine and accessories for his Mercedes Benz. <Read the entire article>

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