
Many government organizations have significant operational responsibilities–delivering products or services to citizen customers.  These operations work like operations anywhere else, including the private sector. Converge Operational Excellence (OPx) provides the technologies, tools, techniques, and most importantly, the thinking to analyze and improve operational performance.

The key is capacity. Public sector organizations have been driven by accounting-based approaches to capacity improvement–approaches designed to meet political and public relations objectives but have long proven themselves ineffective at improving performance. For example, the Converge report; The Decline of Health Services in Alberta, details how accounting (enumerative) thinking has diminished management and operational capacity and destroyed healthcare performance in the province of Alberta as a result.

Our approach emphasizes performance over politics–a requirement where operational responsibilities exist.  We use a scientific, systems approach, leveraging technologies such as Lean, Lean Six Sigma, Improvement Science, Performance Measurement & Analysis and Process Physics to expand capacity and improve performance. We work with you in adapting these technologies to your specific circumstances seeking to build and enhance your internal capability and ensure the change that happens sticks.

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